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Automated Reading Fluency and Progress Monitoring

What is Moby.Read?

Moby.Read is a fully automated, self-administered, online oral reading fluency assessment for Grades K-5. Developed through years of research, along with the integration of artificial intelligence, speech recognition, data analysis, and linguistics, Moby.Read provides students with a year-long oral fluency assessment plan.


Unlike other fluency monitoring tools, Moby.Read considers fluency, usage, coherence, intensity, pace, and valence, offering a more comprehensive insight into students' reading capabilities.

Why Use Moby.Read?

Fully Automated and Self Administered - Students independently read, retell, and answer questions.


Engages Young Readers - Students orally read, summarize, and respond to brief passages in their own voice.


Measures Critical Reading Skills - Reading assessment measures level, accuracy, comprehension, and expression.


Reports in Real-time - Creates an immediate portfolio of reports and trend data for educators around key reading skills. 


Records Students' Performance - Recorded student responses inform teaching; aids students or involves parents.


Models Fluent Reading - After a first try, students can hear a model reading, then re-read passages. 

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What Does it Measure?
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Level - The student’s overall oral reading fluency ability.


Comprehension - Measures the student’s understanding of text materials.


Accuracy - How well a student can handle texts in the assigned forms.


mWCPM - Moby.Read’s word correct per minute.


Expression - Measures how well a student reads with emphasis, intonation, and timing.

What is Included with Moby.Read?

3 Benchmarks, including 1 Warm-Up Passage and 3 Assessed Passages


10-12 Progress Monitoring Assessments, including Model Readings for In-App Practice


Expert Analysis, Running Records, and Detailed Scoring


Student Progress Charts and Voice Recordings


Customizable Levels to Meet the Needs of Each Student


Additional Printable Resources

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Ready to learn more?

Our Lennections team would appreciate the opportunity to discuss your district or schools academic goals.

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