What is Data Driven Instruction?
Data Driven Decision Making - The concept is simple: Make instructional decisions based on student data. In other words, knowing what material to teach to which students based on student data.
First we need to ask some important questions:
What content will provide reliable and valid data?
What data should be used to make instructional decisions?
What instructional decisions are being made from the data that is to be reviewed?
How do we turn data into instruction?
How do I help students and parents understand the data?

Assessing Student Progress through Formative Assessments
Formative assessments are used to judge the progress students are making throughout the learning process. The results inform the teacher if they should proceed with the next learning objective or engage in corrective teaching strategies. Formative Assessments also help teachers pinpoint misconceptions, plan whole group and small group instructions and provide specific feedback to increase academic success.
Lennections Makes Data Driven Instruction Easy!
Lennections content comes from the Georgia content experts: K-12 Assessment Solutions (formerly GCA, Georgia Center for Assessment) through Mary Frances Early College of Education and UGA.
Assesslets are formative tools aligned to the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) and are available for the grades, courses and subjects testing on Georgia Milestones. Assesslets provide information on how well students understand concepts and their ability to demonstrate knowledge and skills in a particular content area or domain. Items within each Assesslet are designed to require extended reasoning and critical thinking beyond basic recall.
Assesslets are professionally scored by trained raters to quickly provide data to teachers, students and parents.

Lennections detailed reports break down information by school, grade, subject, teacher, class and student.
Easy to understand, color coded reports help educators quickly identify misconceptions and drive whole and small group instruction.
Each item contains rationales or rubrics to help students, teachers and parents better understand student misconceptions and the desired outcome.
Students and parents have access to detailed reports including action and standard summaries. These reports are both easy to understand and help students and parents quickly understand the mastery of each standard along with misconceptions.